Lady’s Mantle – Alchemilla – Løvefod

nice dye idea!!

Colour Cottage


One pot mostly flowers, one pot mostly leaves. Each “cooked” for a couple of hours, strained, wool added.

Very concentrated dyebaths, the leaves a toffee-tea colour, the flowers more towards yellow.

Wool with alum/CoT mordant.

I seem to think I’ve read that this plant gives grey/green, but until I’ve tested for lightfastness I’m not going to experiment with iron and other things. The hank is from the flower pot and the ball is from the leaf pot. No difference, really.


På dansk

Kogte to gryder, en med mest blomster, en med blade. Uld med alun/vinsten bejse dagen efter. Farvebadene var meget koncentrerede og mørkebrune. En anelse farveforskel, men garnfeddene er stort set ens.

Som regel, når jeg prøver en ny plante som ikke er en sikker vinder, så farver jeg først 1 fed inden jeg begynder at eksperimentere med jern og alt muligt andet. Tror nok jeg har læst et…

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